Read Me First - Using the API Documentation

In the following pages, 'live' links are provided so that the reader can test directly from their web browser.

Before attempting to use any of these links please do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have found the current credentials as listed on the Demo page.
  2. Using the above credentials, ensure that you can browse this link:

You should now be able to browse around the demonstration RESTfm database using the .html format:


If authentication fails, you will see the following:


The format of the returned data may be chosen by simply changing the .html suffix to another supported format (try .json or .xml).

    "data": [
            "database": "postcodes"
    "meta": [
            "recordID": "auto.1",
            "href": "\/RESTfm\/postcodes.json"
    "info": {
        "X-RESTfm-Version": "2.0.1\/r280",
        "X-RESTfm-Protocol": "4",
        "X-RESTfm-Status": 200,
        "X-RESTfm-Reason": "OK",
        "X-RESTfm-Method": "GET"

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resource xmlns="">
   <field name="recordID">auto.1</field>
   <field name="href">/RESTfm/postcodes.xml</field>
   <field name="database">postcodes</field>
  <field name="X-RESTfm-Version">3.0.0beta/r430</field>
  <field name="X-RESTfm-Protocol">4</field>
  <field name="X-RESTfm-Status">200</field>
  <field name="X-RESTfm-Reason">OK</field>
  <field name="X-RESTfm-Method">GET</field>
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