URI /RESTfm/ ( Read - GET )
This is the RESTfm 'root level' URI. It provides a list of available database resources.
All available databases are visible by default with no credentials.
Using the FileMaker Server Admin Console to set 'List only the databases each user is authorized to access' (found under Database Server -> Security) will make the available databases dependent upon the authentication credentials.
URI /RESTfm/ Read - GET
Returns a list of available databases.
Optional query string parameters
RFMlink=layout|script | Return a href URI that skips directly to layout or script. By default the link returned goes to the database static page with separate layout and script links (to maintain the REST URI hierarchy). |
Example URIs and responses
{ "data": [ { "database": "postcodes" } ], "meta": [ { "recordID": "auto.1", "href": "\/RESTfm\/postcodes.json" } ], "info": { "X-RESTfm-Version": "2.0.1\/r280", "X-RESTfm-Protocol": "4", "X-RESTfm-Status": 200, "X-RESTfm-Reason": "OK", "X-RESTfm-Method": "GET" } }
{ "data": [ { "database": "postcodes" } ], "meta": [ { "recordID": "auto.1", "href": "\/RESTfm\/postcodes\/layout.json" } ], "info": { "X-RESTfm-Version": "2.0.1\/r280", "X-RESTfm-Protocol": "4", "X-RESTfm-Status": 200, "X-RESTfm-Reason": "OK", "X-RESTfm-Method": "GET" } }