URI /RESTfm/{database} Read - GET
URI /RESTfm/{database}
This is the RESTfm 'database level' URI. It always provides static links to the database's layout and script resources.
Returns a pair of static links to "layout" and "script" resources. These links are always the same. Therefore this resource URI is not typically useful unless directly browsing in the HTML format. See URI /RESTfm/ for a query string parameter to return layout and script links directly.
Example URI and response
{ "data": [ { "resource": "layout" }, { "resource": "script" } ], "meta": [ { "recordID": "auto.1", "href": "\/RESTfm\/postcodes\/layout.json" }, { "recordID": "auto.2", "href": "\/RESTfm\/postcodes\/script.json" } ], "info": { "X-RESTfm-Version": "2.0.1\/r280", "X-RESTfm-Protocol": "4", "X-RESTfm-Status": 200, "X-RESTfm-Reason": "OK", "X-RESTfm-Method": "GET" } }