Pure data (POST, PUT)
Placing pure XML, JSON (or your custom format) as the message body of a HTTP POST or PUT is the best method to submit large amounts of data to RESTfm.
- No additional data encoding or escaping required.
- No limit to data size.
- No clashing of name space for field names that begin with 'RFM'.
- Support for bulk operations where multiple records may be included in the one HTTP transaction.
Optional parameters
RFMformat=<name> | Enforce submitted data format if it is not properly detected. OR Allow mixed format transactions where the submitted format differs from the response format. |
{ "data": [ { "Pcode": "9999", "Locality": "A New Location" } ] }
Example JSON format HTTP POST message.
{ "data": [ { "Pcode": "9999", "Locality": "A New Location", "State": "", "Comments": "" } ], "meta": [ { "recordID": "5884344", "href": "\/RESTfm\/postcodes\/layout\/brief%20postcodes\/5884344.json" } ], "info": { "X-RESTfm-Version": "2.0.1\/r280", "X-RESTfm-Protocol": "4", "X-RESTfm-Status": 201, "X-RESTfm-Reason": "Created", "X-RESTfm-Method": "POST" } }
Example JSON format HTTP POST response.